Saturday 27 October 2012

My Halloween Outfit Design

Harro there,

Okay so I've been hoping to get a chance to make something like this for a while but finally, as Halloween is soon here, I have a chance. I have decided to go as Iron Man for a friend of mines 17th /Halloween party and this is my dress design. It should, I hope, be relatively easy to do also.

So there it is xD (don't ask about the arrow, I was annotating it). Personally I think it looks quite cool but my judgement is usually wrong (hope it looks better when made). When I have made the dress I shall upload a photo of me inside of it and a quick tutorial on how I did it

Nia xxx

Tuesday 23 October 2012

Letters to crushes

Harro there,
So a few weeks ago (while stumbling) I found this fantabulous little website:

Its basically an app that lets you write a letter to your crush anonymously and post it online. Its so cute and I is a great way to instantly bring a smile to your face from reading through them, or even writing a letter to a crush are to scared to actually say anything to.

Some of the posts are really beautiful (and on several occasions have brought me to tears) and many of us are really able to connect with the writers. I really love this website, and so it deserves its own little post :)

Just before I go, I would like to show you guys an awesome little Halloween design I found of Pikachu.

Nia xxx

Monday 22 October 2012

Top 10 cute but nerdy Halloween costume ideas

Okay so Halloween is days away, and most of us still don't have a costume (I know the feeling). Halloween has always been my favourite time of the year, for some unknown reason, and I just love finding unique and awesome costume ideas. Here are my nerdier findings (just for you)....

1) Princess Leia

Well this has to be an all time favourite nerdy girl costume, for obvious reasons ;) 

2) Star Wars Millennium Falcon

This is an awesome twist for anyone who loves Star Wars, but dressing up as Princess Leia or Han Solo is way too popular. 

3) Poison Ivy

Being the batman lover I am, this costume is awesome. Not much effort is needed to pull this look off, and it is awesome if you are for DC.

4) Steam punk Joker

This is a fab idea to add a bit off awesomeness to an already quite cool costume idea. Kind of a mix between Willy Wonka, the Joker and a Victorian scientist, awesome!!!

 5) She-Wolverine
If you love wolverine and really love getting into fights on Halloween, then this is for you (except try not to kill people, please). Loving the black top :) 

6) Play-boy marvel

I think this is definitely my all time favourite idea. I mean how awesome is that?!? An amazing idea if there is a group of you, and would really make everyone else turn a she-hulk shade of green ;)

7) Mario and Luigi

And so we come to the classic plumbing duo. This Idea is great for any couple or duo, and costumes are very easy to find. I love this as I have been playing Mario since I was like 4, and I also really like moustaches :3)

8) Link!

If you saw my last post you will know my obsession with Legend of Zelda. This classic costume is great whether you are a guy or a girl, and is just simply epic.

9) Halo

I think this is one of the more nerdy ideas, but I just love it! This is one of my favourite shooting games and if you love any of the Halo's, this is a serious candidate.

10) Mileena from Mortal Kombat

Okay I think I just had to add something from MK onto here. I love Mortal Kombat and I think this is an awesome sauce idea, especially if you wanted to go as a trio with two friends (Mileena, Kitana and Jade).

Okay guys those are my elite few, I hope you liked them!

Nia xxx

Hey Guys :)

Harro there.
I'm Nia, I am an obsessive gamer who doesn't really know when to eat some shut the hell up cakes. I am obsessed with Lord of the Rings and I will be posting many articles on that, especially as the hobbit is coming out soon (Hazah!). I love gaming and so on my YouTube account I may post some gaming tutorials and walk-through on there, as well as some cheats as I know far too many.

Lots of my posts, however, will be on fashion, make-up, hair, and any other girly shizz I find just genius :) I may post a few articles on photography, or music as well, but I do hope you find my blog, and vlog, interesting (although I need to obtain a better quality camera first) 

To finish off here is a picture of Link on Epona (Legend of Zelda) done on minecraft :)

Nia xxx