Saturday 27 October 2012

My Halloween Outfit Design

Harro there,

Okay so I've been hoping to get a chance to make something like this for a while but finally, as Halloween is soon here, I have a chance. I have decided to go as Iron Man for a friend of mines 17th /Halloween party and this is my dress design. It should, I hope, be relatively easy to do also.

So there it is xD (don't ask about the arrow, I was annotating it). Personally I think it looks quite cool but my judgement is usually wrong (hope it looks better when made). When I have made the dress I shall upload a photo of me inside of it and a quick tutorial on how I did it

Nia xxx

1 comment:

  1. Nia it looks amazing and cant wait to see it made!! you'll have to make one for me some time!! ;) <3 :)
