Monday 22 October 2012

Hey Guys :)

Harro there.
I'm Nia, I am an obsessive gamer who doesn't really know when to eat some shut the hell up cakes. I am obsessed with Lord of the Rings and I will be posting many articles on that, especially as the hobbit is coming out soon (Hazah!). I love gaming and so on my YouTube account I may post some gaming tutorials and walk-through on there, as well as some cheats as I know far too many.

Lots of my posts, however, will be on fashion, make-up, hair, and any other girly shizz I find just genius :) I may post a few articles on photography, or music as well, but I do hope you find my blog, and vlog, interesting (although I need to obtain a better quality camera first) 

To finish off here is a picture of Link on Epona (Legend of Zelda) done on minecraft :)

Nia xxx

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